10AM - 6PM Mon-Sat +1.(404)308-1785
80 Enterprise Drive, Suite 500-700, Pendergrass, GA 30567
[Magnetic Intrinsic Acupuncture]
...And the Leaves of the Tree were for the Healing of the Nations
- Revelations 22:2
Once the tea or decoction is made, the preparation possibilities are endless; from ice cream to soup! Come in to learn how to turn your natural medicine into an enjoyable meal, beverage or dessert!
...- Teas - Tinctures - Capsules - Creams - Jellos - ...
Herbal Formulations
Our local herbs are harvested seasonally from chemical and pollution free areas, used fresh or dried depending on purpose, and balanced in a systematic formula.
Herbal Formulations are prepared in many different forms. The most common preparation is tea that can be sweetened, iced, and served to taste. We grind and combine our herbs as needed, per individual, and instruct you on how to prepare them using the coffee maker you already own. Another form that we often use is tinctures which are herbs that have been extracted in alcohol. We offer a natural cream that we prepare from a variety of herbs that is effective against many skin conditions, from cuts and scars to dermatological diseases. We also prepare capsules and even jellos!
Revival Valley
For millenniums magnets have been used to treat human ailments, but, never like this. After years of research at Emory University and decades of experience, Dr. Cool has developed a non-invasive method of treatment that maximizes the effectiveness of the interaction between magnetic fields and anatomical systems. The strategic placement of opposing magnetic poles charge the blood and decreases its resistance to flow. Without physical penetration, Magipuncture produces a chemical reaction within your bodily fluids that transforms your internal environment into a more alkaline state and equips your body to begin healing itself.
No treatment is exactly alike as each is customized to the individual. This treatment is not designed for a lifetime of dependence, rather a lifetime of independence. Some individuals require multiple treatments to combat the disease process while others receive them annually to ensure wellness. Contact us for a consultation to determine a plan that is suitable for you.
We wholeheartedly believe that for every human ailment, there is a heavenly treatment. Using only local, naturally growing herbs, we customize formulas to suit each individual's needs. These herbal formulations are effective in combatting disease processes alone but they also compliment and increase the effectiveness of the Magipuncture treatments.
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